Event Policies & Guidelines
To ensure the success of your event, we have listed our policies. If you have any questions, please contact the Administrative Office at 207-626-2405. It is our sincerest wish that your event here will be a pleasant one.
Menu Selections
Meal selection, estimated attendance and room setup requirements must be provided ten (10) days prior to the event. Final meal guarantees are due five (5) business days prior to the start of the event. Any meals that are added to the final guarantee less than five (5) days prior to the start of the event are subject to a $3.00 per person additional meal charge. Changes to the final meal counts are not permitted on the event date. Prices do not include 8% Maine State Meals Tax (if applicable) and 20% service charge. Invoicing will be based on the final meal guarantee or the actual number of meals served, whichever is greater.
Special Diets
The Augusta Civic Center works with our clients to prepare meals for guests with special dietary considerations. While we can usually accommodate and modify existing meal selections, our kitchen does not have separate preparation spaces or utensils for highly sensitive diets, such as gluten free, Kosher, and Halal. Please ask your Event Coordinator for more information. See pages 6-7 for vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free entrée options. Additional charge of $2 per plate applies.
Alcohol Services
The Augusta Civic Center abides by all State of Maine Liquor Laws and City ordinances. Bartenders use tip dishes on all bars, unless otherwise specified by client. If the sales from a bar are less than $375.00 (excluding tax and service charge), the client is responsible for the difference. Open bars and pre-set bottles are subject to a 20% service charge. Invoicing for an open bar is calculated on the total amount of beverages consumed plus applicable tax and 20% service charge. The Augusta Civic Center reserves the right to close any bar due to lack of business or excessive drinking. For everyone’s safety and security, the Augusta Civic Center reserves the right to refuse service to any patron it deems necessary. Unconsumed alcoholic beverages may not leave the facility.
Outside Food and Beverage
The Augusta Civic Center takes great pride in serving the finest food and beverages. No outside food or beverage will be permitted into the facility with the exception of specialty cakes with advanced notice and permission. Fees apply for cake cutting and plating service. Due to health and safety standards, no food or beverage is allowed to leave the facility, even if the event’s attendance does not reach the guaranteed number.
Event Cancellation
The client must notify the Administrative Office of the Augusta Civic Center of any meal cancellations at least ten (10) business days prior to a scheduled event to avoid being charged for previously arranged meals and meal services. In the event of inclement weather, client must give a forty-eight (48) hour notice for cancellation to avoid charges for previously arranged meals and meal services. Please refer to event contract for other cancellation information.
Security – Event Coverage
The Augusta Civic Center requires staff security to be present at all events scheduled after 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or all weekend or holiday hours, as well as any event that includes alcoholic beverages. This is a fee-based service that will be invoiced to the client.
A deposit may be required to confirm your booking. Invoices will be prepared at the completion of the event according to the specifics of the signed event contract. Payments are due thirty (30) days from the invoice date, unless otherwise specified on the event contract. Please see your event contract for payment details. Accepted forms of payment are cash, check, bank check or money order. Credit cards are not accepted at this time.